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1-1 Mentoring

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Self care is paramount to reaching your greatness and capacity in all areas of your life. The below offerings are personalizes based on need. They are on available seperatley or can be brought together as a complete package. Contact Anastasia with all your questions.

Energetic Healing Anastasia Williams

Harmonyum Healing


A  gentle and comprehensive modality that directly brings alignment, strength, vitality and peace to the brain, heart and nervous system. Our three most compromised systems in modern life. It facilitates change at the root level relieving stress, dissolving anxiety & fear, supporting detoxification, revitalising immune function and more. After a treatment you feel a deep sense of peace and your perception shifts towards a more comprehensive understanding of self and life.


the treatment.
Harmonyum involves the touch of the hands along and around the client's spine and head with the client remaining fully clothed. This soothing and continuous touch promotes feelings of calmness and serenity.




Meditation Anastasia Williams

Private & Personalized Yoga/Meditation


Private Yoga and or Meditation sessions are a great way to have your personalized needs met, whether this is scheduling, health or more. Private yoga/meditation builds a strong foundation of understanding of the practice and yourself and enables you to develop a deep relationship with the practice, then you may continue your practice at home or in a group class with more ease and knowledge. Each session is customized to serve your individual needs and can include physical postures, specific sequences, breath work and meditation.


Private Yoga and or Meditation can be brought to you in your home or office, alternatley you can meet Anastasia at her office. Corporate classes are also available.




Mentoring Anastasia Williams

Integrative Counsel & Coaching


EVERYthing YOU need is WITHIN you.


Private and personalized one on one sessions.​

We are a map and machine. Learn the inner workings of your machine so that you can tune its vibration towards the life you want. Know your map so you know where you are going at any given point.

Life has rhythms and cycles, some more auspicious and some more challenging. Through a multitude of integrative self-healing and life creating tools you will better understand who you are and where you are going and courageously take responsibility for the life you are creating.





Thrive Anastasia Williams

Universal Kabbalistic Readings


Peer through a window into the inner workings of your strengths and weakness. Gain a clearer and more co-herent understanding of what makes you tick. Look at the unseen influences of your personal and yearly cycles. From here set goals and actions into motions that are based on being the best version of yourself possible each day.


There is so much within each of us. Understanding the influences that pull you persoanlly make a whole lot of diffenece to the choices you make at any given moment.


Give the best YOU.


Universal Wisdoms Anastasia Williams

Universal Kabbalah Tuition


Universal Kabblah is  a unique and profound system that shows us the simplicity and divinity that is the universe, outside of us and within us. As you study this wisdom your soul blossoms and you steadily and surely become more confident and conscious in all ways.

This practical wisdom melts the illusion of separateness and empowers you to become the best version of yourself and shine your light for others.


Open your heart to your greatest learning and shine like the light of the SUN.





to work with Anastasia

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